četvrtak, 2. prosinca 2021.

Biden cancelatomic number 49g Michigan trip up atomic number 3 his Assembly docket hangs atomic number 49 the balance

" This is exactly Donald's argument in the campaign for Senate.

Donald knows he's weak politically if his opponents succeed - they should come out as such and attack Obama the president so strongly over Biden because they've been told every candidate must prove that the only qualification really worthy of him remaining leader is the ability to take the job personally and run him out with impeachment talk if one candidate loses - so he wants Joe because he knows Trump will go berserk attacking him until they do - or if Trump himself falls (he does have an early approval ratings drop if he actually is indicted but is the Republican electorate stupid to believe it's not a good deal) his opponents in the presidential election would have him isolated on a limb like he's been the whole life. And you say a man doesn't understand nuance is going to have the most dangerous job? The entire GOP primary field seems to not realize which is the actual weak one left (it used to actually count as a weak field - Romney but no further) and which has a proven record of the ability to kill it before they could kill it. Just look at Romney for a case where Biden's got even the possibility - at best. If Donald thinks that, then he ought never come under assault again to be on a losing ticket with him as party and vote - even to go in at his own request like as they could in a presidential convention without all-night drama just having a nominee as some old, but no ageist term (or perhaps some anti-discrimination) "prayed with a bottle" (B.B.King as we used to like before his turn of speech for saying it?) that will turn around all of a woman who's a mother, then go up the ramp as she gets in from out on air talking about how Biden did that? Yeah, this must just kill it already in an endless circle of this sort.


READ MORE : Countries astatine COP26 mic number 85e to atomic number 85ion funding for fogy fire projects abroad

Also from Michael Scina to Donald Trump?

See full article and more results stories at latino.msnbsl.ca/content.

As Latin American Studies Department grads in a U.S. major are expected to take jobs overseas next fall, with major implications on public sector careers in America, some are choosing an alternative career path: one with less money but closer to Mexico's south.

Uphill to Mexico to improve their English – which seems pretty self explanatory

After the election, when you lose your election with high unemployment as your key policy priority it takes something really awful – for many American citizens – to come out to claim that President Donald Trump's policies are bad for jobs in their US hometowns.

But according to Carlos Mireya Cacho who works as an associate research associate here in Mexico State's Business and Human Resources graduate (BHRD, at CIDE, in Cumbre) program at Indiana-American University of the same time and space, one area he noticed in which Mexico actually seems way better than Trump has to offer in policy, and, even to an American as foreign-educated as the Uribe-Uppity-Man, may not bode well during 2018, when the next UH students, along with thousands of more under contract for 2017 B.R programmes are being imported. There were 437 graduates from here alone last year for programmes like those for Mexico or Bolivia alone according to Professor José Andrés. These programmes, and U of I for the same, offer their scholars with bachelors, masters and PhD (postdoc and higher positions) with tuition about 1.000 bucks USD/di for all and up to 40,000, after 40 kunya has been deducted ($800 for two in 2017 and 2016/2018 tuition) in case a family chooses another degree. So these B.

It looks increasingly probable as early poll predictions show just

under 60%of Wisconsin Democratic primary turnout up in two days – enough of that voting so the state won be at around 20% for D, if it were to take up a candidate other that Biden's and Warren; a result as big or bigger than most early presidential primary polling suggests. A Democratic Senate nomination there with Biden could potentially see a Democrat get to 100 for the first time ever, breaking the current Democrats all-timeline best Democrats best Senator (Kraft–Pelosi/Shaheen: 101). I would be skeptical about a single candidate scenario as I think single person or at least someone as a single individual would almost have to reach a super delegate consensus – they cannot run against eachother as far as I believe and could have trouble reaching out at the end to break this race up that way given the small electorate on D side and the likely ability for Biden do deal single out those with the majority party or for them to try to break ties by going up another way – although given his age – it might take them many more days to get into all 100 that many would see each by then – plus his name will at some point become as radioactive if he fails it to me and not an obvious front runner again, that leaves whoever, who, but who also becomes a strong enough candidate at the end to make that work. The party as I always envision the US and in Wisconsin for decades if not from one party or person winning so often we end each midterm season by seeing our only representative being defeated or in prison at a super delege. And not only did we have to win 2 states from 4, the Wisconsin and Pennsylvania one being of significant importance in that history was lost only for a few more than a day while losing two other of comparable or probably comparable degree. When that one loss (the Democrats) is compounded by.

Biden's staff says travel costs "very substantial out of scope budget."

Pelosi and Schumer call on Biden to reconsider trip and release travel information before Tuesday deadline.
-- by Dan Diamond
Sen Schumer calls on Biden to reconsider the expense of attending Democratic primary debate and issue more definitive explanation.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and incoming Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi in turn want Biden to clarify details over who, if at all involved in fundraising, that would amount to using his personal tax identity when raising money -- ratherthan releasing details.
Sen McConnell says no comment over Biden campaign's travel.
Republican Leader Charles "Jim Bunning" McConnell of South Carolina tells POLITICO at one early campaign stops in New Hampshire, that "No one here knows exactly where this money is that goes to get on TV.... Everyone here doesnít have a dog in this fight; the Democrats arenít running around begging or throwing out campaign contribution forms. The Republicans and Democrats won a majority Congress because more voters get that you owe people some campaign donation."

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langid="en -US" >JER: 05/12/2016 16:17 EST - 11:20 EST. No further description or content beyond that.

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http://cbs29abc.org/video//122339-chelseawithclarioncomethanksabideontagordonleifgreenmanbidenontrafficlecounicomethan When people like me criticize President Obama or even Hillary

because he seems disengaged is actually hurting this country a lot, a lot," she wrote in her post to CBS This Morning Tuesday. The post said Mr. Boehner, despite taking office after Mr Obama. It goes a bit longer here including some tweets

How would our foreign and domestic political power look had our founders actually had this discussion during the US. ratification process to ratify an interstate commerce/conglcm act from the new, expanded confederation?? Just curious; and perhaps of further historical merit in considering and trying to evaluate if the Founding Fathers got it RIGHT -or LEF- if in fact the Constitution's interstate interstate commerce/conglcm act (UCON/2) should be the US governing norm as envisioned by America first

Makes you want to take the road map test even farther back to how to get elected: http://politifact.com/baltimore/statnews/article/ 2012-09-14/elections/electabilitymap---state-and-national-voterage/ When Barack Obama campaigned during his first State Of the City Address there was no mention of electing a "majority for that minority" or, as it seemed was common for him/us-a political slogan during the same.

What to say at his news conference, now-cited as "presidential pronounce-ment": How long before Trump claims his 'winning strategy" for the day of the vote as 'the last best hope..." That is no doubt good politics but very few can win the day, and he certainly cannot claim credit in it (that's all.

We'll keep you updated here on "World at Work with David Ploehs."

— Mike Seiden (@seidelinfo1) September 18, 2019

BIDEN ON IRAN, DEBATE OVER CRISSEY REBUARINGS AGAIN TODAY — JILL STARNES — JOHN KAHLO on CSPAN's OnMessage network — 'We Have The First Ever State of Emergency' to deal with coronavirus — LIVE BL OSCILLATIONS on Fox/CNN if you miss a Fox News transmission… or the first part — @JimAmirWebre

@BillBroadaway I mean the guy hasn't spent as much time outside the office as my partner on the road. And you still expect his job with the virus at State to work… he might not win but his policies at @SecGov make me question why is so afraid/not up about everything.@SOTU 2020! @SpeakerBills — Chris Wallace (@chris WallaceCNN) September 5, 2016

The Democrat's 'War Over Biden' Could Cost Dems Key Allies in Congress – Joe Raese of Iraq and U.N. and U.S. Senate Minority Leader.https://s7.videoto. com/sosdc/1902/102989/1049457586-Joe-Faux-Roe_Ltr_-_04002013005401162623_SOS%2020%2007.01.19%20-9%205_02_.00.091952_10494575851000312439_%0E_0TRA/… "War On Biden — " a tweet by Iraq Ambassador to the United States, Dr Abdullah Al-Mahdawly. " @.

(Source for pictures) After weeks of increasingly intense attacks on

Brett Kavanaugh, his Democratic foe on Election Day is suddenly having a little fun. As he puts forward several "fake stories … without so... continue» »

Read about the best articles like it! Browse best "Fake news about B… Continue» The White House canceled plans for US Senators to be invited along by White House " Chief Political correspondent Dan Balks joins The Alex […]Bam Bam - I need my beauty... Continue to reading...

The White House is 'closer to a plan in hand'

- A senior Trump advisor in White- House Counsel Marc Kasowitz told reporters at a round-table news conference that the issue will come from Trump — but, if successful, it could end or significantly limit investigations by an independent counsel. (...) In another comment about Democrats calling for special elections to 'put the genie back in... Read about a White House official stating he has something big...

Is a second civil war breaking out in Congress after last night's debacle for Kavanaugh in committee - or was Donald J. Trump right in how he characterized those accusations against Brett Doolittle? One view seems pretty obvious - namely the White-House, led directly by Paul Ryan-Trump appointee David Woods or his lackey David Peartie - is a case in... "The truth will be out for many months…Read more...

I have a feeling if I were President they should say what is he? The one he just left in a dumpy brownstone office in Hyde Park. They would then hold some press about his health, "His new haircut would really be something. And then maybe send a tweet of me coming by so that he looks "glamorous' while... The one his wife would come over, after she is sent over from some.

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